Religious Education

Mrs Wendy Rheinberger - REC



Weekend Mass Times

Saturday   5pm (Quirindi)                6:30pm (Werris Creek)

Sunday      8am (Willow Tree)         9:30am (Quirindi)

As we begin our Lenten journey, we trust in the call of the Spirit. 

First Sunday of Lent Year C, 6 March 2022


As we begin this journey through Lent, we trust in the call of the Spirit who beckons us out into the wilderness, to see more clearly, to love more dearly, and to follow, more nearly, the Lord of Life.   - Australian Catholics, Scripture Reflection


Lent & Project Compassion 2022

Each family received a Project Compassion donation box to collect funds throughout the season of Lent.  This box is to be returned to school by the end of Term 1.  Thank you.


Deut 26:4-10 | Rom 10:8-13 | Luke 4:1-13 


Lent is the season for getting back to basics. It is the time for having a clean-out, getting rid of attitudes and patterns of behavior that prevent us from being as free as God made us to be. We can all be hoarders of one kind or another. We can store up angers and resentments and fears that we no longer need. It is time to give them away. 


In the weekend's Gospel, we learn that the Spirit led Jesus to a lonely place. Up to this point in Luke’s Gospel, we have seen Jesus as a member of his family and community. We have met Mary and Joseph and Elizabeth and Simeon and Anna and John the Baptist. Now Jesus must stand on his own and decide what really matters in life. Is he going to rely on material things? Is he going to want power at any price? Is he going to put himself rather than God at the heart of his decision making? These are the temptations of the devil. 


This week through Project Compassion we have encountered the story of Anatercia, a truly remarkable 12-year-old living in southern Mozambique. Sickness, death and environmental challenges forced her to decide at a young age what really matters. She has been working for her family and community. This is where the work of Caritas Australia is so striking. With your help, Caritas is assisting Anatercia and thousands of young people like her to stand on their own two feet, to have food and water, and to pursue education. Her story shines a light on this year’s theme for Project Compassion from the book of Genesis: ‘for all future generations.’ 


Today, St Paul reminds us that ‘all belong to the same Lord, who is rich enough, however many ask for his help, for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ The Lord calls on us as well! The Lord asks us to remove some of our own clutter and do what we can to embrace the whole human family. Our deepest longing is for God to be the centre of our lives and nothing else.



Sacramental Programs 2022

The Sacramental Programs will commence tomorrow.  Letters were sent home last week with those children whom we know are eligible.  If we have overlooked your son/daughter for this letter, would you please contact the school.  Students who are baptised Catholic and in Year 2 or above (and have not previously prepared for this Sacrament) are able to prepare for these Sacraments.    


Please contact me at school by telephone or email: if you have any questions.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation lessons will be held as follows:


Wednesday 9th March    (Commencing Week 7)

Wednesday 16th March

Wednesday 23rd March

Wednesday 30th March


Thursday 31st March        

(First Reconciliation 6pm - St Brigid's Church)



**  All lessons will be held in the Fr Stan Campbell Hall at 3:50pm.  A Parent/Carer is required to attend with the candidate each week. **



Prayer Reflection 


Please join with us in prayer as we continue to pray for the people of the Ukraine:


Students and staff will become familiar with the Project Compassion Prayer 2022 as they include it in their daily offerings.



Mrs Wendy Rheinberger

Religious Education Coordinator