The Grade 3 & 4 students have been enjoying learning all about living and non-living things for their Science Unit this term. We have been busy learning about defining living, non-living and once living things, looking at recognising common features and distinguishing the differences between each grouping. This week, students have made an eager start on their Learning Task which requires them to create an informational poster about a living, non-living or once living thing of their choice. Students were able to draw upon their existing knowledge from previous lessons as well as utilise a range of online resources such as websites and videos, to gather research and information to contribute to their poster. Well done Grade 3 & 4’s, here is some of their great work so far:

This fortnight the Grade 5 & 6’s in STEM have been researching animal and plant adaptations and how they use these to survive in the environment they live in. Students have identified three different types of adaptations (structural, behavioural and physiological) and have investigated how the structural adaptation of blubber keeps animals warm in freezing temperatures. Here are some of our students conducting the experiment: