Grade 5 - 6


In Reading the 5/6 students have been looking at the important steps when retelling a story. We have also looked at a persuasive speech and identified the author’s message. The students have enjoyed starting reading groups and rotating through the different activities.



The students have been working hard to complete their first persuasive piece all about what is the best superpower. From Time Travel to Mind Reading the students have been using all their persuasive language skills to convince the reader.



In Maths we spent a week looking at addition and subtraction. We have been working on how to complete vertical addition and subtraction as well as solving various maths riddles along the way. We have also been looking at multiplication, focussing on factors and multiples. The Grade 5 students have also been hard at work starting their NAPLAN preparation for next term and doing a great job to make sure they are ready. 



Students have been looking at what it means to be Australian and have created a page with all the words they link with being Australian. We have looked at what it means to be an Australian citizen and also what democracy means. The students had so many great conversations about what these words mean to them.


5/6 Sport

The Grade 5/6s were so excited to find out their sports that we will be practicing for 5/6 Sport for the next 2 terms. The students got to fill out a preference sport and were placed in one of the teams. We cant wait to see some amazing Soccer, Cricket, Netball and Volleyball teams by the end of Term 2!!



The Grade 5/6s also got to meet with their Prep buddies for the first time. They were so excited to meet their buddy for the year. They created a drawing of them and their buddy together and got to know each other. Both the Prep’s and the Grade 5/6’s cant wait for the next time we have buddies.