Grade 2
It has been an awesome two weeks in Year 2! We commenced our regular timetable and our students have thrived!! Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Humanities, Spelling, Wellbeing and Handwriting = FUN!!!!! Homework books and readers were sent home for Year 2 students only. We understand that families get busy, so we ask that students read and complete their homework most days.
Last week we finished off learning about our expectations and how our reading lessons are structured. This week in reading we have been learning our reading decoding strategies. The kids have learnt about Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish, Stretchy Snake, Chunky Monkey, and Skippy the Frog. We have been doing lots of practice whilst silent reading and are very proud of the grade two students and how they are tracking with their at home readers.
Within writing we have continued to develop our knowledge of the structure of writing personal recounts. We begin our recounts with a title, followed by an introduction, next we write about 3 events and we end with our conclusion. We have started developing our knowledge of personal recount language features including personal pronouns, time connectives and past tense action verbs. Writing about personal experiences makes writing easier as all the research is done for us, we just need to share what we have done and how we felt about our experience. Thank you to our families who have provided us with a photograph for their child to use to write about.
In our mathematics lessons we finished learning about time and started learning about chance. During our chance lessons we have been learning about events that might happen, will happen and won’t happen. We also conducted chance experiments using MnMs and smarties.
We have just concluded our unit on weather. Students have been using a variety of means to observe changes that occur in the sky and landscape. We have also been focusing on how daily and seasonal changes affect everyday life, such as taking your jumper off when it is hot or adjusting your level of activity to reflect the weather.
Next week we will commence learning about our natural resources.