Grade 1
In Reading, the Grade 1s have been exploring the comprehension strategy of predicting using a range of reading materials. Students demonstrated this skill before they read a book by looking at the title and illustrations, while they read by stopping and guessing what would happen next and then confirmed or adjusted their predictions after they read. They enjoyed sharing their predictions during turn and talk sessions and showed great enthusiasm when reading or viewing the end of the story to reveal if their guesses were correct.
In Writing, students have been creating recounts that focus on an orientation that explains the 5Ws – who, where, when, what and why, the events that are written in chronological order and a conclusion stating their feelings about the experience and their favourite part. So far, they have been involved in a variety of experiences such as; going on a treasure hunt around the school and feeling mystery objects in a bag and describing them. Students were also introduced to their writers notebook where they have been able to record words and ideas about a particular topic which can then be used in their writing at a later time.
In Maths, we have been focusing on the topic of Place Value. Students have been practising their ability to count and order collections of objects and numbers and ordering these from smallest to largest. Using number lines to identify numbers that come before or after a particular number. Students have also been introduced to the concept of ‘tens’ and ‘ones’, they have participated in a range of games that focus on identifying the tens and ones in a number. Students had a lot of fun creating ‘Place Value Monsters’, they used tens and ones to create a unique monster and then calculated its value.
This term in Integrated we are focusing on our personal health. Students have been learning about the 5 food groups, eating a balanced diet, personal hygiene and the importance of keeping active. All students have shown such a great understanding of all these concepts already, and have been engaged in all tasks. Students especially enjoyed creating our own delicious balanced meals on paper plates.