Grade 5/6

Numeracy - Number and Place Value

Area and Perimeter

Number and Place Value

So far this term we have been looking at Number and Place Value as one of our units in Mathematics. 

The students are working hard at identifying prime and composite numbers. (Challenge them to tell you the prime numbers up to 100. Hint: There are 25 of them).

We are really enjoying investigating numbers. The students had a lot of fun creating their name out of MAB. With this they then counted how many of each unit they had for their name. The next challenge was to work out the total using movement across place value. They were then challenged to write their number in expanded notation to continue to show place value. 

"I really enjoyed counting and working out the number for my name" - Dylan 5/6B


Area and Perimeter

In our Area and Perimeter unit, students are currently creating/designing a 'tiny house'. This involves all of these key areas:

  • Area: The number of square units inside a shape.
  • Perimeter: The distance around the outside of a shape.
  • Geometry: Different sizes, shapes, positions and dimensions of things (2D shapes).  

With any luck there could be some future architects. Watch this space for the results.


Have an AMAZING long weekend everyone!


Alysha Buzzini -

Brooke Eastwood -

Stuart Jones -