What are the wellbeing supports that Korumburra Secondary College offer?
Korumburra Secondary College has many supports for Students/Parents/Guardians /Teacher to access.
Youth Access Clinic Korumburra Doctor and Nurse
A safe and confidential health clinic for young people, which can be assessed every Tuesday from 2.00pm – 5.30pm, at the Korumburra Medical Centre.
School Nursing Program
Our School Nurse Anna promotes Health support through classroom activities. Anna is also available to see individual students on a Wednesday and Friday from 9.30am – 3.00pm.
Through Lisa Cox our psychologist we are able to complete academic testing and psychometric assessment and student counselling. Lisa is available every Monday, Tuesday and Friday during term.
Headspace is a free, youth friendly and confidential service available to young people aged 12 – 19 years, available at Korumburra Secondary College every Friday during term time.
Department of Education Student Support Services (SSS)
The SSS team provide expert support to schools. They also offer consultation, advice and support to the school community. The team consists of Psychologists, Social Workers and Speech Pathologists.
Wellbeing Coordinator
Bekk Anthony oversees the Program for Students with Disabilities. She works with staff and families to support students with additional needs.
Middle and Senior School Teams
These teams consist of Class Mentors, Year Level Coordinators and Sub-School Leaders. Mentors deliver the Social and Emotional learning and are the first point of call for families to contact, Year Level Coordinators, support mentors and monitor student wellbeing supports. Sub-school Leaders oversee and support the members of the Middle and Senior School teams.
Korumburra Secondary College prides itself on the supports available to the wider community. If you would like more information regarding these services please do not hesitate to contact the college on 5655 1566