Students of the Week 6

Monday 7th March, 2022

PREP AVivaann KFor always listening carefully and doing your best at all times. It is great to see you growing in confidence Vivaann. Keep up the great work!
PREP BEmily ZFor always listening carefully and doing your best at all times. It is great to see you growing in confidence Vivaann. Keep up the great work!
PREP CLennox MFor always listening respectfully, trying your best and being kind to others. Keep up the amazing work!
PREP DKade GFor always trying your best and being ever-ready to help others in the classroom. Keep up your positive attitude in all that you do. You are awesome, Kade!
1AHenry HFor committing yourself to all writing tasks. Your increased engagement has shown so much improvement! You should be extremely proud of yourself, especially writing over 2 pages. Well done, Henry.
1BSebastian M DFor trying his best in all aspects of schooling. He is working hard towards improving his goals and keeping a growth mindset!
1CAlisa BFor her amazing effort in our open ended maths work this week.
1DLavinia Mdisplaying strong leadership and great initiative when Mrs Minniece was away from school. You also did a fantastic job with your number sorting and Ms Jones loved your beautiful manners.
2ANicola MFor her excellent procedural flow chart on how to draw an angry fruit.
2BRooke JFor being a kind and inclusive member of Carnegie Primary, especially in 2B! Keep up the good work, Rooke!
2CDarius DFor accurately following a procedure to create and paint an angry fruit. It sure brings colour to our classroom!
2DKhushi Palways displaying such a positive attitude at school and being a great role model for others. Well done, Khushi. You are a star!
3ASachin BHis excellent attitude to all learning tasks. Sachin contributes great ideas and is a kind friend to others.
3BNimay JFor being such a diligent and conscientious student. You are a great role model for your class mates.
3CSkanda M GFor being an all round super star and in particular your powerful persuasive written arguments and masterful use of techniques to enhance these. What a wonderful start to the year, Skanda!
3DKaylen WDisplaying impressive growth mindset in numeracy session. She shown great persistence when faced with challenges. Well done!
4AViditFor being kind and polite to all his peers and teachers and for always willing to give anything a go! Great job, Vidit!
4BMolly LFor her positive contributions during classroom discussions and for always trying her best. Keep up the great work, Molly!
4CThetFor displaying excellent enthusiasm for her learning and always looking for ways to improve.
5AFalak SFor always being so proactive, helpful and kind. Falak, your enthusiasm and positive mindset is to be admired.
5BAudrey BFor your positive attitude and wonderful contributions during our numeracy sessions. Keep up the great work, Audrey!
5CHarini LFor always using the seven habits, showing her leadership skills, being kind and caring and an incredible role model to her peers.
6AMegan RFor her incredible maturity and communication skills during our Personal Development unit. Your questions and contributions added so much value to our conversations, Megs!
6BTanvi RFor her maturity, organisational skills and proactivity during 5/6 sport. Amazing leadership skills, Tanvi!
6CMaya BFor showing dedication and commitment to developing her skills to solve multiplication problems. Keep up the wonderful work, Maya