Out and About the School

School Fees

Term Two statements have been emailed. Payment is due by 31 May. Please contact the office asap if you have any issues with the fees.


As of the start of this Term, the Catholic Schools Office has introduced a new office computer system that is being rolled out across the Diocese, called COMPASS.  At the moment we are only using it for roll marking and absentee messages. In the near future it will replace our entire school data base and it will include a Parent Portal where you will be able to access lots of information such as notes, calendars etc.

In the meantime, the system automatically sends out an SMS AND an email to notify you if your child is not at school. You can no longer reply by text/SMS. You must either ring the office with an explanation of your child being absent or use the email link (found in the email and SMS) to reply. You do not need to reply to both the text and the email, one or the other is sufficient.

Thank you for your patience while the new system is implemented.

St Xavier's Chickens

We would like to thank our Year 5 and 6 volunteers for looking after our chickens so well. They are collecting up to 7 eggs each day for the canteen, which is fantastic and the scraps from the canteen go back to the chickens. We would also like to send out a HUGE thank you to CRT for donating all the feed  and shavings for our chickens. St. Xavier's really appreciate their support.


A huge thank you to all the new (and old) volunteers on the canteen.

We are, however, still short a few people for the 4th Thursday of the month and the 4th Friday of the month. 

Please let the office know if this is something you would be interested in.

Do you have a child for Kinder 2020? Or do you know somebody?

Our recent Open Day for Kinder 2020 was a huge success. 

If you are a current family, and you have a child ready for school in 2020, please contact us as soon as possible for an enrolment pack.


Please make note of the following Pupil Free Days (these are mandatory days the CSO has set). The school will be closed on these days:

Tuesday 11 June

Wednesday 12 June

Winter Uniform

All students must be in their FULL winter uniform by the start of Week 5, Term 2 ( Monday 27 May).

Uniform Shop Opening Hours