Student News

Prep A Performs at Assembly

Congratulations to the June Assembly Award Winners

Taketo, Emily, Sahasra, Audrey, Leo, Destiny

Yifan, Andy, William, Ashton, Isaiah, Ryan

Fun with our Mac Rob Buddies

AFL Sports Gala Day

Last term, the Year 3-6 students attended the AFL Gala Day and had a wonderful time. Raff, Bilal, and Lydia were the recipients of the Good Sportmanship Award. It was great to see everyone on the team step up and put in their best efforts.

From the Student Executive

Student Executive members are in the process of preparing for the Diversity Gallery as part of their project work with the City of Port Phillip. The project focus is "celebrating diversity". Students will work with all classes and support them to create unique self-portraits. The work will be displayed in the Drill Hall in a few weeks – we'll keep you posted!