Student Wellbeing 

Voice For Change Progam 

We’re excited to have the Voice for Change workshops running at our school this term, giving students real-life opportunities to learn from amazing mentors and artists, and to use song writing as a creative outlet.


These mentors and more inspiring musicians and sportspeople are using their voice for good in the inspiring documentary series that’s about to unfold.


The VFC trailer can now be viewed/shared from the Voice for Change Facebook page here:

Dig Deep

Throughout the year a diverse range of young artists and young leaders work with a team of established hip-hop practitioners to create and present new work, develop peer mentoring skills and collaborate with young artists from other creative disciplines.


In 2018, workshops will run from 5pm – 8pm on Tuesday November 27 and Tuesday December 11. Breaking for the holiday season, the program will resume in February 2019, with dates to be announced shortly.


So Dig Deep today and unearth your own creative cool.

To find out more or become involved, contact us at