Community news

Free e-safety webinars for parents and children

eSafety is running a series of live webinars throughout the months of April and May which explore the latest research and expert advice for using technology safely. Delivered by eSafety expert, Greg Gebhart, the sessions are a great way to learn how you can help your child develop the skills to be safer online. Find out more at

Ready, set, skip! 

It's time to dust off the old skipping ropes and practise your skipping skills with the return of Jump Rope for Heart. The annual fundraising campaign will be taking a different shape this year, with a new range of digital resources available for students and families to access online from home. Jump Rope for Heart is a great way to keep our hearts healthy while learning some impressive skipping tricks and, at the same time, raising money to help the Heart Foundation fight heart disease in Australia. Register today by following this link

HPE at Home

St Mary's College has partnered with RHSports to provide parents and carers with a discount on sporting equipment to encourage families of all ages to enjoy sport at home. To place an order, head to the RHSports website here and enter the log-in details, provided below, to access your school account. 

St Mary's College Hobart

Account Code: XMYHB

Account Password: XMYHB

Please note, this offer is only valid for 30 days after sign up.

The RHSports website offers a range of fun - and free - resources to inspire families to get active. Visit this link for inspiration