Year 7 Camp 1 

Written by Alex Bennetts  7B

My favourite thing at camp was when we went to Warnambool and visited Flagstaff Hill. We learnt about the Maremma dogs and penguins on the middle island where Oddball the movie was filmed.


We also walked through the village scene in Oddball, where Oddball knocked over the very expensive projector.  We met a guy call Phil, who played the part in Oddball where he was hit with a plank of wood and let the apple go.


At Camp on Tuesday evening we had a dance competition and Blake and I danced to 'Muma'.  Blake put on Ava's crop top and I made a crop top out of my top. We came second and lost by 1 point to the girls.  The crowd loved it so we won the crowd vote.  Our scores from the judges were 4,4,3,3, the girls were 4,4,4,3, the highest score was 4 from each judge.


My least favourite part was when we went on a nature walk at Tower Hill, my girlfriend decided she didn't want to be my girlfriend any more. I also didn't really like the walk at the rock-pools, because it was so windy and then it started raining.  I also thought that the Trivia night after dinner went too long.


What I would like to be added to the Camp is to be able to walk out to middle island and see the fairy penguins at night.  I would also like to go to Port Fairy and have a look around the town. The vinyl mattresses were weird.  I would like to have a day trip to Warnambool and learn about Fairy Penguins and Maremma dogs and more about the film Oddball.


CAMP 1  7A, 7B & 1st half of 7C


CAMP 2  7D, 7E & 2nd half of 7C