Good (theatre) Sports!

Timothy Roach
Head of Learning - Performing Arts
BSC Drama students were due to compete at the Impro Melbourne Theatre Sports Challenge early in September, another casualty of Covid19 lockdown restrictions. Students really enjoy these events as they get to to exercise their improvisational skills, and to share the experience with other students from all over Victoria. The competition provides a lot of laughs and allows students the space to experiment, learn and have fun as they perform for others.
In the absence of the 'real thing', some of the BSC Theatre Sports team used this time to run their own improv challenge, collaborating via the BSC Teams software platform. I applaud their creativity, resilience and teamwork - for looking on the bright side, being problem-solvers and using their time and energy so positively. Well done!
Charlotte sherlock
Year 12
I love Theatre Sports, because it's really not about the points at all!
You are there to have fun with other people, whether you know them or not.
Whether you have a lot or only a little experience, if you get up onstage and have a good time then everyone else will have a good time as well. Theatre Sports certainly does help with confidence - you are performing for people without having to worry about preparing something beforehand.
Theatre Sports is purely fun and games, and can become truly ridiculous, which is why I love it so much!
Emily Lynch
Year 7
I was very disappointed when I heard that theatre sports was cancelled this year, but I still had lots of fun [improvising] online with the others!
One thing that I think makes theatre sports so much fun is that you don’t have to be doing any certain thing - there isn’t too many rules. You can make the story go any way you want!
I think that doing theatre sports can teach you that it’s okay to make mistakes - you can always turn them into something funny or just keep going. It can sometimes feel stressful to think off the top of your head, but that’s what so great about it being a team game! Everyone helps each other and makes sure everyone is included, while still keeping a story going.