International Baccalaureate at MPS



At all times, including remote learning, our student’s engagement, wellbeing and progress in learning are at the forefront of our thinking. During remote learning, teachers constantly monitor and reflect on these areas to inform forward planning.

 Explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy skills ensure students have the opportunity to develop essential foundational knowledge and skills in these disciplines (subjects). Students utilise literacy and numeracy skills to inquire into meaningful and purposeful understandings about their world through units of inquiry. 

 During remote learning, teachers continue to provide opportunities for students to participate in inquiry learning, reporting high engagement and motivation for their units of inquiry. Units of inquiry are not subject specific but are transdisciplinary in nature, supporting students to become ‘inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect’ (IB PYP Mission Statement).

 Remote learning can provide unique opportunities for inquiry learning as resources often not readily available at school, are available at home, for example access to a pantry. 

During planning, teachers utilise this unique opportunity to support student learning. On the flip side, there are resources at school which are not available for teachers and students to utilise, so teachers need to be resourceful and creative to seek alternative resources, for example online texts, to best support student learning.

 I am proud of the teachers and students and their adaptability in this environment to ensure the learning of key understandings from a broad range of disciplines (The Arts, Civics and Citizenship, Science, Geography, History and Health and Physical Education) and capabilities (critical and creative thinking, personal and social capabilities, ethical and intercultural capabilities) continues to be part of home learning through units of inquiry.

 Our plan to have an information session on our International Baccalaureate Program at school this year has been put on hold. Therefore, I have made available parts of the presentation, available on the Murrumbeena Primary School Website. 

Depending on the circumstances moving forward, we may offer a webinar instead of an onsite information session.

You can access the presentation here


Angela Houghton

PYP Coordinator