Wurrin News 

Years 8 & 9


Message from the Hub

The 8/9 Hub team are thrilled with how all of our Year 8 and 9 students have done during Term 3 and remote learning. 


We wish you all a very relaxed, safe and happy holidays.  We look forward to seeing you all after the holidays.


Year 8 and 9 - Remote Learning Reflections

This week the Year 8 and 9 students have been reflecting on how they have gone in remote learning. Students have been writing about what they have done to stay on task, how they have dealt with their feelings during this time and what they have liked and disliked about learning from home. 



Home Schooling Reflection
By Jara Elena Schaedle

Since some stages of this lockdown have left me feeling alone and extremely bored, I have learnt new and better ways to keep myself entertained and connected with my friends. 


Instead of watching a whole TV series go outside and ride your bike. 

Instead of working alone video chat with your friends as you work.

Instead of complaining about the rain bake something. 


Really, the lockdown hasn’t stopped us from learning as much as it’s enabled us to take a new class, 'How To Deal With Bad Situations'. In my opinion, this is the most valuable class we could take, since it’s preparing us for how we will face bad situations in the future. 


So, while some parts of this lockdown have been terrible, there have certainly been some benefits and gains from it. And if you ask me, we should focus on the positives of this lockdown, not the negatives. Negative means going down, positive means going up. It is up to us to decide which way our emotions will go, and how we will feel at the end of the day. 


Thoughts on Remote Learning

It may not be a popular opinion, but I have really loved remote learning. Sometimes I’ve felt nervous and stressed about not having all of my work done or if I didn’t understand what to do but I’ve also felt more relaxed and happier, being home with my family and not having to go to school every day. I am much more worried to go back to school next term because I’ve been at home in my safe bubble. I am one of the lucky ones who have a large property and nothing much has changed for me, but the biggest thing was not being able to see the rest of my family and also not having netball as another safe place I go to 3 times a week and see my friends. I have had a few arguments with my sister but that’s life and the next minute we are best friends again. I’ve realised life is way too short to argue with people and hide away. I really don’t want to go back to school but I’m excited to make people smile again. 

My feelings on Online learning
Adam Reddick 
  • One thing that I really dislike about online learning is I really struggle with getting my work done because there are so many distractions at home and you just don’t have the motivation to do any work, but you just have to push through and get it done.
  • Something I do like is being home with all my animals and spending everyday with them.
  • Another good thing is actually where I live because after school, I live within 5 kilometres of the Nicholson River so I can go for a fish and muck around on the water in the boat after school.
  • I also to live on a farm so I often ride my motor bike in our paddock and that is always fun and with all this rain recently it has been a blast.
  • So, over all online learning isn’t really all that bad for me seen as I can still go out and do a thing or two it is just for the actual work aspect it is a bit of a struggle.

Student creations!

Keara - 08A basic cookies remote learning
Naomi - 08J Making a pet blanket in remote learning.
Belinda - 08A, Buttermilk Scones- thermomixer remote learning
Karlee - 08J weaving a design remote learning.
Tahlia - 8J Weaving pattern in remote learning
Nichole - 8G Chocolate chip cookies remote learning
Keara - 08A basic cookies remote learning
Naomi - 08J Making a pet blanket in remote learning.
Belinda - 08A, Buttermilk Scones- thermomixer remote learning
Karlee - 08J weaving a design remote learning.
Tahlia - 8J Weaving pattern in remote learning
Nichole - 8G Chocolate chip cookies remote learning