Prep/1 AN - Religious Education

Ms Nolan

This week in Religious Education, we have been revisiting the story of Genesis. We recently learned about the story of God’s creation and stewardship. Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about how we can be good stewards and be responsible for taking care of the earth. We revised our 3 RS – reduce, reuse and recycle and looked at all the ways we can care for the planet. This included bringing nude food to school, turning off the lights when we’re not using them and walking or cycling to school. This week we took a closer look at one of the ways we can look after God’s creation and that was by conserving water. We listened to a read aloud story telling us about the importance of being water savers and not water wasters. We then brainstormed our ideas and designed posters to encourage water conservation. Here are just some of the AMAZING and creative Prep/1 posters: