Homelessness Challenge

Year 7 SEAL Students:

Homelessness: How can we help?


Every night, more than 116,000 people in Australia experience homelessness. Although the most visible experience of homelessness involves sleeping rough on the streets, this type of homelessness represents only 7% of the homeless population. Thousands of adults, young people and children forced to 'couch surf', seek shelter in a car or rely on temporary accommodation, are experiencing different forms of homelessness.


On Wednesday 15 September, our Year 7 SEAL class participated in the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series one-day Zoom event: Homelessness Challenge.  This event, funded by the DET, provided an opportunity for our students to deepen their understanding of homelessness and to work creatively and collaboratively on a challenge.



Create a product, platform or service to support or assist those experiencing homelessness. The focus is on creating a safe, positive and supportive service or environment for people who are too often ignored or who feel disconnected from the community.




Students heard the incidence and experience of homelessness from the Salvation Army and The Big Issue, as well as examples of the types of support, products and services currently available for homeless people.


Working in groups, students collaborated to develop an idea for a product, platform or service for those experiencing homelessness. 


The group then presented their idea to the other groups in a five to ten minute presentation, and answered questions from the other groups.



Our Year 7 SEAL students were asked to write a paragraph about the day, explaining what they learnt and what skills they worked on. 


Yesterday, we had an online incursion about the issues surrounding homelessness. We learnt to see past common stereotypes, and learnt about the many types of homelessness, and the statistics of homelessness. 
We had speakers from The Big Issue, a magazine giving homeless people a job opportunity selling magazines, and we had a guest speaker who was once homeless, speaking about her experience. 
The Salvation Army then spoke to us about homelessness, and how it can affect everyone, and the ways we can pitch in to help. We then went in to smaller groups to brainstorm a possible idea to help those in need.

Jordon Y., 7E


Yesterday I learned about how how a large percentage of homeless people are in the age demographic of 25 and under. This provided me with the insight that not all homeless people have the stereotypical of an old and grizzled person. This led to my team and I working on a way to provide food to those in need which would be beneficial to those without a home. 
The skills I practiced on  were looking through advanced search filters and team management. 
Overall I felt like yesterday was a fun day for learning and I would do it again if I have the chance to.

Nick G., 7E


I learnt that 24% of homeless people have pets, and most homeless shelters do not allow pets! This inspired my team to create our product. We designed tote bags (better for the environment and longer lasting) with many essential items in them, including vouchers for food, desexing and veterinarian services, soap and sanitiser, small cloth items such a socks and masks, food and water bowls, and leashes and collars. 
This experience helped to educate me in all the different aspects of homelessness, and what to do if we were ever put in that situation. I am very glad I did it and huge thanks to The Big Issue and Salvation Army for coming and teaching us!

Milly R., 7E


Yesterday I learnt heaps about homeless people and how they live. I learnt that the majority of the homeless people in Australia don't necessarily live on the streets but instead couch surf, live in crowded rooms or houses, sleep in their car and stay in places that aren't permanent. 
We have opened many platforms and services to help those in need. Some organisations help with their living circumstances while others give them free food and supplies. Being homeless is not easy and that is why we need to get those people back up onto their feet. Not only will it help those people but it will help our economy. 
I really enjoyed learning about homelessness and enjoyed doing the challenges.

Zoe M., 7E

Yesterday the SEAL class participated in a special event under the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series, providing extension work for advanced classes. The challenge we tackled was homelessness, a pressing issue within Australia – we learnt that more than 116,000 people in Australia experience Homelessness. 
The course was interesting and interactive. Through a zoom meeting, we were spoken to about the impacts certain events and scenarios have in relation to homelessness and discussed ways we can help. A guest speaker was kind enough to share their experience with homelessness, and it was interesting hearing it from that perspective. 
Our challenge was to create a product or service to support those who are currently experiencing homelessness. Within our group, we worked collaboratively and drew upon skills such as teamwork, evaluation and co-operation to devise a potential service to assist those in need. Later, we presented our ideas to the different schools participating as well as to our own classmates. Everyone’s take was different, and there were many realistic, helpful ideas that could easily be put into motion within the different presentations we heard. 
Overall, a very fulfilling and unique experience brought to us by the VCTA – and I would like to express my thanks in having participated in such an interactive and fascinating event.

Kevin Z., 7E


I learned a lot from the challenge day and the incredible ideas that my classmates came up with to aid the homeless. The Salvation Army is a heart-warming community and provides for all individuals in need, and their services are greatly appreciated. With such limited time to present our platforms, 7E represented our high achieving minds and worked cooperatively as a team throughout challenge day.

Sonara W., 7E


Yesterday was a very informative day on homelessness awareness. We had two companies come in, The Big Issue and Salvation Army. Both business are very good and help those in need and their presentations held lots of information and real stories from real people. 
The Big Issue had a lady who was previously homeless, Genise. Her story really made me think about how bad it can be for some less fortunate people. 
Then we were sent into groups to create our own platform or service to help the homeless.  We worked on skills like problem solving and creative thinking. 
I am very glad that we had the homelessness awareness day. I would recommend it for all of the students.

Emma G., 7E