Senior School News

Year 10:

Edible Art


Year 10 Art students were challenged to make edible art as part of a Wellness activity last week. They were asked to spend their morning making a healthy breakfast to start off their day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, giving us the energy we need to concentrate and stay focused during school.


The students were asked to consider what they normally have for breakfast, and jazz up their usual breakfast or try something new. They were given some inspiration and could turn their breakfast into an image, scene, design or pattern. 


It was great to see the students get creative with their breakfast and take a different approach to creating art. They had a lot of fun and the images below prove it!  


Ms Fotini Hrambanis

Year 10 Art

Congratulations to Year 11 Students

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Year 11 VCE and VCAL students for all your efforts this term. While at times the term has presented unusual and challenging situations, you have developed some positive routines, have submitted work, have undertaken SACs, and are continuing to maintain great attendance. 


We have been engaging in online wellbeing forums, assemblies, the continuation of the Leadership program, undertaking the Senior School Strava Challenge, and have been playing some fun kahoots at lunchtime! 


Together, we have had a really successful term and I am proud of all your efforts. I hope you enjoy a well-deserved break, but continue to build some positive routines for your mental wellbeing in anticipation of coming back to school soon. 


Students who are undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 subject, good luck with revision before your exam, and I hope you are able to balance this with rest, exercise, good food and healthy sleep habits.


Ms Ramya Annavarapu

Year 11 Coordinator

Year 11:

Structure of DNA

(a remote learning investigation)

Following in the footsteps of the amazing scientists before them, from Rosalind Franklin to Crick and Watson; the Yr.11 Biology students researched and collected crucial information to create their own DNA models. 


Ms Sue Hermon

Year 11 Biology Teacher


DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that contains all of our biological instructions and is found in our cells. DNA features two winding strands called a 'double helix', which Jemma K. demonstrates here using cupcakes. 


DNA is made up of chemical building blocks called nucleotides, consisting of: a phosphate group, a sugar group and one of four types of nitrogen bases (A, C, T, G). Scout P. explores this with incredible detail.


The DNA strands are held together with hydrogen bonds, as Ruby D. portrays with mouth-watering results.




Understanding the chemical structure and function of DNA is complex.  Combining art with science is a great way to understand and communicate biological theory, as Nikisha S. and Hongsen L. have done here.

Nikisha S.
Nikisha S.


Hongsen L.
Hongsen L.

VCAL Gardening Project

During lockdown we were told to pick up a Woolworths garden set from school, so Jess and I went to get it and went back home to plant them straight away for something to do. I think it was a great way to keep us engaged and keep us occupied at home. It turned out to be very calming and fun.

Jimmy M.


I really enjoyed doing the gardening as it’s something I don’t usually do. It was surprisingly fun and went quickly once we got the hang of it. It was nice to have a hands-on practical activity to do for class.



A big thank-you to Riley K (Year 11) and his family for helping our school to access these resources. A shout out to Ms. Mcgee for organising these gardening kits and making them accessible to our students - a true example of kindness and positivity being contagious! We are really enjoying hearing about their plans to make Veggie patches at home, some students are even planning ways that they can run this as an activity for younger students!


Ms Lisa Chiuchiarelli


Click to see a time lapse video
Click to see a time lapse video