Senior Exams

As we approach the end of a long term, I'd like to say how proud I am of the grit and resilience our students have shown. Attendance to online classes and performances in assessments have both been fantastic. 


I hope you all take a well earned rest over the next few weeks. With the holidays in mind, I'd like to provide some important information that will ensure you use some of your holiday time to prepare for a smooth start to term 4.


VCE Students


  • All sessions will run online during the holidays.
  • Participants have been email details for each session.
  • Subject teachers will be part of the sessions.
  • Revision booklets will be available to collect on the day of the GAT.



  • 10 am - 1 pm, Tuesday 5th October.
  • Please arrive by 9:30 am.
  • Seating plans will be emailed out the day before.
  • Please enter exam venue through designated gate (map attached).
  • Use hand sanitiser provide upon entry.
  • Face masks must be worn at all times.
  • Follow exit instructions properly.
  • Full COVID Safe protocols are in place (see fact sheet attached).
  • School uniform required.



  • Wednesday 6th - Thursday 7th October.
  • Year 12 subjects only.
  • Year 11 students doing a Year 12 subject will leave class to attend.
  • Students will be called in by class.
  • Please enter exam venue through designated gate (map attached).
  • The Undercroft will be available for private study on both days.
  • Full length exams.
  • Instructions and timetable attached.
  • School uniform required.

VCE & VCAL Students


Although a date is yet to be confirmed, it is important to prepare for a smooth transition back to onsite learning. Some things that will support this include:


Arriving to Class Ready to Learn

This means being on time with the correct materials, charged devices and in full school uniform or with a uniform pass.


Maximising Class Time

This means working hard to complete all activities to the best of your ability, and staying in class for the duration of the period by using break times to use the bathroom and hydrate.


Listening During Instruction

This means pausing private conversations, looking at the teacher when they are presenting content to the class and asking questions to clarify your understanding. 



Uniform checks will resume as part of re-establishing healthy learning routines. If a student is out of uniform, they should get a uniform pass from the Senior School prior to period 1 by providing a signed note from a parent/carer.


Mobile Phones

Students must keep their phones in a secure locker when they are on school grounds and will be asked to take their phone to the Senior Centre if they are seen using it between 8:30am to 3.30pm.

If you have any concerns about returning to school and would like some support, please reach out to your PDS or Discovery Teacher. If you have questions about any of this, please feel free to reach out to me through Compass email. 


Finally, we hope you are as excited about the prospect of returning to face to face learning as we are and that you enjoy this well earned break.



Kind regards,

Mr Ty Dennis

Head of Senior School