
Outside of the Italian Classroom:

"Fuori Dell'aula Italiana"

These two students, Eddie and Harrison, from my Year 9 Italian class, have shared with me some of their favourite pastime activities outside of the classroom during lockdown. 


Eddie has provided me with a YouTube link to share - click on the image below to watch his video.



Eddie practises on his drums for 2 hours per day and informs me that for him it’s like a cardio workout. 


I particularly enjoyed the twirling of the drum stick in the clip, however, I am grateful that I am not one of his neighbours! 


Harrison informed me that he is an amateur runner and, during this latest lockdown, has managed to improve his Personal Best (PB) having run 18.45 kms in 2 hours and 10 minutes! 

I would have struggled travelling that distance on my bike, let alone running it! 


I congratulate them both on their efforts and thank them for sharing. These students demonstrate a high level of commitment, self-discipline, self-motivation and passion which are all great traits for language learning and for life in general. 


They are not competing against anyone. More importantly, they are challenging and extending themselves. This makes me super proud. 


I hope that staff, students and parents in the DSC community find inspiration and motivation from Eddie and Harrison. Give it a go! Try your best! It’s not about winning gold or coming first, but about participating and enjoying yourself. 


When I asked Harrison permission to share his story, his response was: 

“Well, I’m not really a professional runner, but as long as it helps, inspires or motivates someone else in our community, then I’m all for it”. 


What a wonderful, inspirational attitude from a mature, considerate and caring young man. These students, and so many like them, exhibiting uplifting qualities  and  resilience, make me proud and are among the countless positive reasons for my many, many, many years at DSC.



Prof. Brogno

Year 9 Teacher of Italian