Kevin Borland Hall Circa 70s
Kevin Borland Hall Circa 70s
We are organising another reunion in October at Preshil for ex-students born in the decades up to 1960, teachers and parents of those students, and anyone else connected with the School who might be interested.
Once again this will consist of a couple of hours of chatting, remembering old friendships, having some refreshments, and looking at pictures and documents from the archives. There will be time to have a tour of the School if you wish.
DATE: Friday 14 October 2016
TIME: 1.30pm to 3.30pm
PLACE: The house (Arlington), 395 Barkers Road, Kew
Please email Libby Shade at libbyshade@westnet.com.au or alumni@preshil.vic.edu.au by 7 October or earlier if you plan to come. This will help with our catering arrangements and name tags.
A donation would be appreciated towards the refreshments and in aid of the ongoing project to index and store the School archives.
IN ADDITION to the above reunion, a Facebook Group has been created called PRESHIL EARLY ALUMNI. The purpose of this group is to allow the same category of people (students born up to about 1959, teachers and parents) to do the following:
Please join in, if you are on Facebook and would like to participate.
There have also been expressions of interest for people born in the 1970s, 80s and beyond to come together for a reunion.
There are always many different views about what form these reunions take, for example, what day of week, time, venue, format, cost, etc.
We recommend that the ideal situation is for a group of volunteers from these age groups to make the arrangements for the function and to contact people who might like to come. Preshil is of course able to assist an organisation team where needed or offer a venue when available. If you are interested in helping with this, or if you have any suggestions, please email us at alumni@preshil.vic.edu.au
Libby Shade
Volunteer Archivist and Alumni
Do you have a story to share with your fellow classmates? Perhaps a new business venture, a special achievment or a fond memory? If you would like to share something with the wider community, please email us at alumni@preshil.vic.edu.au
Photos always welcome!
In a recent School Newsletter (Issue Seven) we highlighted Year 12 student Sophie Dewey’s recent work on a series of four prints entitled "We Choose Life" following the journey of refugees fleeing their country to seek asylum elsewhere. Sophie also recently received some media coverage (above) highlighting her art and the cause for which she is most passionate.
A single framed print sells for $125 and the series of four for $420, 60% of which is donated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. Check out Sophie’s Facebook page here.
In a world now connected 24/7, the demands on our attention and our time are unrelenting with research showing negative impacts on our health and wellbeing, cognitive performance, productivity and the quality of our relationships with others. Neuroscientific evidence demonstrates that the application of present moment awareness through mindfulness practice can build our capacity to withstand these impacts by regulating the function of the nervous system to help us remain calm in difficult and stressful situations and, as a result, make better decisions and act more skilfully to achieve better outcomes for ourselves and others in all aspects of our lives.
In this 8-week program participants are guided through steps to establish and maintain a regular mindfulness practice that best suits their lifestyle. Sessions build an understanding of mindfulness, its benefits, the biological underpinnings of its effectiveness and confidence and mastery through practice and discussion with others.
WHEN: Sundays 3pm–5pm from 2 October to 20 November.
WHERE: Preshil, The Margaret Lyttle Memorial School, secondary campus Library, 12-26 Sackville Street, Kew
COST: $495 (GST included) for 8-week program (concession available). Cost includes workbook, guided meditations and email and telephone support between sessions.
ENQUIRIES: Please email Jennifer at jarnoldlevy@me.com or call her on 0413885919.
Sessions are facilitated by Dr Jennifer Arnold-Levy, founder of Making Emotions Work, an organisation dedicated to facilitating individuals cultivate emotional agility to help build resilience, promote peak formance and overall health and wellbeing. Click here to connect with Jennifer or learn more about he work. Download the program information here.