
KAWS Exhibition


The year 9 Art and VCD class’s went on an excursion to the Kaws art museum in the city. The museum was a great experience and enjoyable. We got to see an Artist who created paintings of famous cartoon character from movies or tv shows. After that we did a treasure hunt activity where we had to find the different artworks or models and write certain information about them. 



Year 9



SIS Art Exhibition

The opening of the annual SIS Art & Technology exhibition occurred on Monday 11th November at Cube Gallery, Frankston. The annual event allows a number of schools involved in the SIS, the opportunity to showcase their students work in all areas across the Visual Arts and Technology.


As of other years, the work is always outstanding and when presented in a professional gallery space, students are able to truly gauge the significance of their work and the means in which concepts are communicate to a broader audience. This year we were able to showcase up to forty artworks from students across all year levels and visual arts subjects. Congratulations to all of those whose work was selected.


This year St James College was host school in the SIS, whereby we were asked to officially open the exhibition, along with the guest speaker, Ryan Pola. I would like to extend my gratitude to Dom Hart 10.3, who graciously assisted me in introducing Ryan Pola. A further thank you to Mr Stephen Pooley for his ongoing support of the Visual Arts, (not only of St James College, but of all the SIS schools involved in the event) and his recognition of the significance of this event for both visual arts teachers and students as a means of sharing ideas.


The exhibition will run until Saturday 16th November at Cube Gallery, Davey St, Frankston.

For further information regarding Ryan Pola, this years’ guest speaker, check out



Kate Brierty

Arts Domain Leader