Year 10 

Breakfast Club Team

I would like to commend the class of 2019 for a great year.


They have done a terrific job representing themselves and the college in the arts, including the drama, and music productions, media, public speaking, debating, and chess. They have excelled in all of the SIS sport competitions as well as the House activities. Their ongoing support of our Social Justice programs throughout the year has been encouraging. They have given generously to the Easter Appeal, the Chocolate Drive, the Walkathon and the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal.


All students contributed to the Christmas Appeal in the knowledge they would never see the positive impact it will have on the families in our parish this Christmas. The money raised went towards making Christmas a little more enjoyable for families by providing gift cards which will go some way to easing the stress at this time of year.

St James said: ‘faith without good works is dead’. This group of young men have demonstrated through their good works that their faith is alive and well. They should be proud of their individual and collective achievements.


The success of this year is largely due to the hard work of our College Captains, James Vakis and Maceo Jones and the Year 10 leadership group. They have encouraged all students to get involved and have a go across all areas of college life. As a result, they can look back on their time in Year 10 with a sense of pride and accomplishment.


The success of the next few years will depend entirely upon how each of them responds to the challenges which lay ahead.  I hope they use some of the knowledge and insight gained during their time here to achieve success. I would like to wish them all the best for the future.

Transition Dates

Semester 2



Monday 18    

St James: Year 10 Exam Week – concludes


Wednesday 13    

De La Salle:  ‘HEADSTART’ orientation and laptop distribution


Monday 25    

St Bede’s: VCE/VCAL ‘FLYING START’ TRANSITION PROGRAM – until Friday 7 December


Wednesday 27    

De La Salle: VCE/VCAL ‘HEADSTART’ TRANSITION PROGRAM – until Thursday 5 December


Tuesday 3

St Bede’s College: Meet the Tutor parent evening @ SBC 7pm


Thursday 5

St James College: Year 10 Graduation Mass and Speech Night

Breakfast Club

I would firstly like to offer my sincerest thanks to Christian, Peter, Tom and Nico. These four young men have donated their time to serve the staff and students every Tuesday and Thursday morning at the Breakfast Club.


The Breakfast Club is an opportunity for the staff and students to gather in a relaxed environment before school to eat breakfast and chat with each other. This social enterprise provides not only breakfast, but the opportunity for the boys to enhance their hospitality skills.


Christian, Peter, Tom and Nico have gained experience making coffee as well as fulfilling the breakfast orders for the numerous staff and students who come in each morning. Without their generous support and assistance, we would not have been able to offer this service to the staff and students. I hope they will be able to use these skills moving forward in their part-time jobs.


I would like to wish them all the best and once again thank them on behalf of the regular staff and students who frequent the Breakfast Club every Tuesday and Thursday.


Justin Shepherd

Year 10 Coordinator