Year 9 

Retreat Day

Yesterday the Year 9s had a retreat day at Beaumaris Life Saving club.


The retreat day was  run by The Lasallian Foundation and the presenters were two returning students from St Bede's College.  It was fun to learn about Lasallian traditions and become closer with fellow peers.


We did a variety of activities that required skills in team work to  help prepare us for the upcoming leadership role next year, when we are in Year 10. 


The day was focused on being mindful and having positive mental health. It is a safe place to say some things that might leave you vulnerable at school, and you could open up about different topics.


The Year 9 retreat was great opportunity to be with friends in a more casual environment,  just before we knuckle down and study for the upcoming exams. We'd like to give a big thanks to Mr Callanan and all teachers involved for the amazing time we all had.


Oliver and Blake

Year 9