
Hello from the Canteen!
Term 3 has seen lots of hot meals heading out to class on these cold days which is great. Despite the cold weather the frozen treats have continued to fly out the door too! Students have also been enjoying the new menu additions of Garlic Bread and the winter special, Creamy Potato Bake.
We are experiencing some supply issues at the moment so you may notice some gaps in the menu or some brand substitutions over the next few weeks. As always, using QKR! is the best way to know what’s available.
I have noticed recently the children have been excellent at waiting outside for their friends and the general behavior in the canteen has been great, overall students are polite and have great manners!
As always our year 5 and 6 helpers have been wonderful and we would be lost without them!
We also want to thank our parents who have helped with cooking this term. Our helpers are invaluable in keeping the canteen running smoothly. However we desperately need more help! If you are available for anything from a day per term to help with cooking to a regular day a week or anywhere in between, please contact the office to get the ball rolling. In the meantime we are trialing some pre bought products (eg lasagna) until we can build up our volunteer team again.
Keep an eye out for the Sports Day menu coming home soon! We are super excited that parents will able to be onsite and this year we are encouraging parents/ carers /siblings to pre-order lunch items to ensure you don’t miss out! There will only be limited extra choices available to purchase on the day. You can create your own profile in QKR! By selecting Class:Guest and Year level:Guest. (Please note you need to order everything at once. Once you have done an order QKR! will not let you add more items to the day). Cash orders directly to the canteen before the cut off dates are also welcome.
Volunteers are also needed for Sports Day, so if you are happy to give even just an hour please let us know!
Karran and Michelle
Canteen phone 8264 9588
New Canteen Menu