
Term 3 Week 5 2022
This week we have enjoyed celebrating Book Week. Some of the highlights have included reading some of the shortlisted book week books in the school library, dressing up for the Book Week parade at the school and the leadership team visiting the preschool to share a story. These experiences and connections with the school makes the transition to school in 2023 smoother as the children become familiar with some of the staff and the school environment.
We are all so excited that our NEW mud kitchen has finally arrived, back in Term 2 the children were involved in helping to decide which mud kitchen they wanted- one with 2 sinks or one with 1 sink. The most popular was the bigger one with 2 sinks, so that is what was ordered. The new mud kitchen will continue to build on the children’s interest in cooking.
Another activity we have enjoyed at preschool is cooking and trying some new foods. Using the spinach in our preschool garden we made spinach and ricotta puffs. We had to collect, wash and cut the spinach from the garden before combining it was the ricotta, wrapping the mixture in puff pastry and cooking it in the oven. The children got to sample the spinach puffs during lunch. Some comments from the children after trying the spinach puffs included- “They tasted great!”, “Yummy!”, “Really good.” “Delicious.”
Upcoming Events Term 3- Preschool
Week 7
5th September (Monday) Pupil Free Day
Staff will be involved in training, preschool closed.
Week 9
21st September (Wednesday) Sports Day with school
Week 10
28th September (Wednesday) Preschool Photo Day