Student Learning

Science Week
For Science week we wrote a description of an animal including features, diet and habitat we then read our clues to a partner and they had to guess what animal we were describing.
The Hive participated in multiple science experiments for Science Week.
Balloon rocket
Students brainstormed how we could make the balloon move on it's own. They then made predictions about what factors would impact the speed of the rocket (more or less air etc.). We then tested our theories and the students commented on what they noticed. This was then our literacy focus for the morning & students finished the sentence 'The balloon went...' blending & segmenting the final word on their own.
Skittles Colour Mixing Experiment
Using hot and cold water. Students made predictions about what would happen & then had to 'think pair share' and discuss why the hot water made the colours blend quicker.
STEM Challenge
In table teams, children were given a pack of marshmallows & pasta sticks. First they had to count the marshmallows and add the parts, then they grouped them into colours. Students had to work together to build a tower using the materials against a 5 minute timer. The winning table was the group who worked the best as a team.
Paper Helicopter
Students had to follow a series of steps to fold, cut and attach a paperclip to their own helicopter. They then had a go at finding different heights to drop their helicopter from.
We have had 3 SAPSASA events this term and it's been great to see the enthusiasm and sportsmanship displayed by our students.
Our boys basketball team played at Lights Stadium during week 3. They played extremely well winning 1 out of 5 games. The boys had a tough draw but ended the day well with a win in the playoff, allowing them to finish out right 4th for the day! Well done boys!
Also in week 3, 18 students attended Athletics at Bridgestone Athletics centre. Students competed across various events included discus, shot put, long jump, high jump and sprints/relays. Two students made it to the state carnival - Dayna Kalaba (relay) and Archer Merritt (shot put) will be representing the district in the upcoming state carnival. We wish them the best of luck!
Today (Friday week 5) a team of boys in year 5/6 attended the Soccer carnival at Argana Park. The students played 5 games and won all 5, coming away with the championship and also did not let a single goal in against them! The boys showed great team work and supported each other throughout the day. CONGRATULATIONS!!