Diary Dates

2022 Pupil Free Days (OSHC is available)
Term 3 Week 7-
Monday 5th September
Term 4 Week 4-
Monday 7th November
School Closure
Friday 4th November (Concert will be on the evening of the 3rd of November)
Term 3 Dates
Week 5
20th - 26th August - Book Week - 'Dreaming with eyes open'
Tuesday 23/8/22 - Book Week Parade
Wednesday 24/8/22 - Magic Millions Choir Rehearsal
Friday 26/8/22 - SAPSASA Boys Soccer
Week 6
SSO Week
Monday 29/8/22 - Photo Day
Thursday 1/9/22 - Father's Day Stall
Week 7
Follow-up Dental Visits (information will come out soon)
Monday 5/9/22 - Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 7/9/22 - Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews - 3:30 - 7:00pm
Thursday 8/8/22 - Orchard Excursion
Thursday 8/8/22 - R U OK? Day
Week 8
Tuesday 13/9/22 - Governing Council Meeting - 6:00pm
Thursday 15/9/22 - Choir Rehearsal from 12:30pm and Performance (7pm)
Week 9
Wednesday 21/9/22 - Sports Day (Preschool and School)
Week 10
Wednesday 28/9/22 - Preschool Photo Day
Friday 30/9/22 - Wear your Footy Colours Casual Day - Donation to support Childhood Cancer
Friday 30/9/22 - Early Finish 2 pm