Student Wellbeing 

House Team Spirit Day - Term 3


On Friday, 29th July, all students, from Prep to Year 6, gathered in their House Team Groups of 

            BUNURONG             MANNIX           McAULEY        and       MAZENOD

to have fun, mix with students and feel connected as a sub-group  within our school - to a group of people that they share a common bond with……..THEIR HOUSE TEAM! 

Students from each house team gathered together in their cross-age groupings in various spaces around the school. 


This day gave our Year 6 House Captains further opportunity to exercise their leadership skills. They had recently studied the origins of how our House Teams were named and created a slideshow to share their learning with the younger students of their team.  It was hoped that the younger students would understand a little more about the person who their house team had been named after.  

BUNURONG - Our Local Indigenous Tribe 

MANNIX -  Archbishop Daniel Mannix, who decided to build our church, St Mary’s                               Star of the Sea Parish 

McAULEY - Catherine McAuley, who started the Sisters of Mercy, the first teachers at                         St Joseph’s

MAZENOD - Eugene de Mazenod, who started the order of priests who were and are                          still the priests of our parish. 


During their session, students worked on a Special House Team handshake that they could share with a team member when they next see them around the school.  


They all worked on a collaborative art piece and enjoyed getting to know students from other levels of the school and some played outdoor games as a house team.  



We look forward to having another House Spirit Day together in the future. 


Jenny Todd and Lisa Inglese 

(Student Wellbeing team)