Above and Beyond

Faith Based Inquiry in 1/2

In Year 1/2, the students have been exploring creation stories from different cultures and religions. 

We have looked at Catholic, Hindu, Greek Mythology, and the Indigenous story of the Rainbow Serpent.  We also looked at the ‘Big Bang Theory.’  From these different creation stories, we found things that were similar as well as lots of differences.

We got to choose one creation story that we felt interested in and were able to make connections with.  We wrote about that story and illustrated it using the process of visualisation.  Visualisation is when you put a picture in your mind.  You have to think about what you can see, hear, taste, smell and feel.  You imagine that you are there!  We have been practising this skill in our reading and writing!


Here are a few comments from the children about the stories we heard:

I think all the stories were creative and I liked them because they were all different but they all had a powerful person in them.”  Ivy


“I liked the Greek myth because parts were true but parts were made up.” - Isabella


“ I liked the Greek myth because the bunnies were cute.” - Christopher


"I like that they were creative stories and they were not like other stories I have read.” - Billy


“They all had a master who made a masterpiece.” - Alex


“All the stories were different with different settings and people who were the creators.” -Sienna


“I liked all the Gods” - Max


“My favourite story was ‘The Rainbow Serpent’ because I like snakes and it was interesting that when the snake got angry, it could make storms." - Gus


“I like ‘The Rainbow Serpent’ because the serpent is all the colours of the rainbow.  He destroys the mountain and eats the two boys, then they turn into rainbow birds.” - Henry


“I loved the actions of the Gods in the Greek Myth.” - Malakai


“I liked the Hindu creation story because the leaves broke off and became parts of the world like the sun, sea and sky.” - Heidi


“ I liked the Greek Myth because there were lots of Gods.  One was turned into a rock.  It was interesting, especially when the evil one fell into the cave.” - Maggie


“I chose the ‘Big Bang Theory’ because that is what I believe.  It sounded the most real.  In the other stories, the characters just appeared out of thin air.  I like the mystery and the way the pieces come together like a jigsaw puzzle as life goes on.” - James