General Administration 


A couple of weeks ago every family was sent a parent occupation form that needed to be completed and returned to school. This form was sent on in an envelope (not via Operoo).

If you have not completed and returned this form, can you please do so as soon as possible? Thank you.



Please remember to let the school know if your child is going be absent, arrive late or leave early. Just as you would let your employer know if you were not going to turn up to work, it is important that we know if your child is not going to be at school and why. Thank you to all the parents who have been providing the school with this vital information. Absentee notification can be done by sending an Operoo message, phoning the school on 5984 1291 or emailing


Thank you for helping us with this.



Our 2023 Prep enrolment process has commenced. If you, or someone you know would like to enrol a child for Prep next year, please come to the office and collect an enrolment pack or contact us and we will give one to your school child. You are also welcome to book a school tour for you and your child - just give us a call to book a time.

If you already have an enrolment pack - please return your child's enrolment form as soon as possible, acceptance of enrolment letters have been sent out.



Parents, please check that items of school uniform are clearly named. Everyday items of lost, unnamed clothing are brought up to the office. We try our best to find the owner,  but if we can't they are put into the second hand uniform cupboard.