Principal's Page 

Dear Parents,


Mary MacKillop Feast Day

We gathered as a school on Monday to pray and acknowledge Mary MacKillop's Feast Day. I shared with the students how Australia's only saint was one of my favourites as she was an ordinary person who did extraordinary things. Her well known quote, "Never see a need without doing something about it," inspires me in my life.


Feast of the Assumption

We will be gathering in the church, on Monday morning, as a whole school, at 9:15am for a mass to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. Parents are most welcome.


School Athletics Day

I have enjoyed watching the Commonwealth Games over the last ten days as the athletes competed fairly and demonstrated their skills. I know our students will do the same at our school Athletics Day next Thursday 18 August at Trueman's Reserve. Please read the Operoo eForm carefully and check the appropriate button for transportation. If you know that your child will be away due to illness or holiday, please indicate this on the eForm (this will also stop you from getting daily reminders.)


School Closure Day

There will be no school for students this Friday 12 August as staff have a professional learning day. We will be exploring the Inquiry Approach to learning. There is only one more School Closure Day this year and that will be on Monday 31 October (the day before Melbourne Cup Day).


Student Action Council

Congratulations to the newly elected Student Action Council Representatives: Indi, James, Nate, Elizabeth. Corbin, Shiloh, Lachy, Olivia, Frankie, Patrick, Belle, Max, Toby and Lillianne. The Student Action Council is an important part of our Student Leadership program as well as a way for students to demonstrate their rights and responsibilities through student voice and agency.


Staff Wellbeing Week

Feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual, enabling them to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what they want out of life. This week I have asked staff to focus on their wellbeing and have taken the opportunity to thank them for their passion, dedication and hard work.


Bunnings BBQ

Congratulations to Liz, Hope and their band of happy helpers who raised over $2250. Thanks also to Milchman Real Estate, who generously sponsored the bbq by supplying sausages and condiments and Brumbys Sorrento, who donated the bread.


Premier's Sustainability Awards 2022

Congratulations and thank you to Jane as St Joseph's has been selected as a finalist for the Premier's Sustainability Awards in the Thriving Environment category.


Community Fete

We are planning on holding the community fete next March to raise important funds for the shared swimming pool. This event provides funds for the general up-keep of the pool. If you would like to be on the committee, please email me this week. The fence needs to be replaced in the next few weeks. There will be a working bee to remove the present fence, including parents from both Sorrento Primary and St Joseph's. The date is yet to be finalised but if you are interested in attending, please let me know.


Past Student Achievements

It is great to hear of past students from St Joseph's doing so well at secondary school. Congratulations to Sam, Rosie and Violetta for receiving a Principal's Honour Award for academic excellence for Semester One at Padua.


New Baby Welcome

Congratulations to Seija, Matt, Daisy, Willow and Oliver (1/2) on the safe arrival of beautiful Elliott. We wish you all happiness, good health and much love.

Parish and School Partnership

St Joseph's School is an important part of St Mary's Star of the Sea Parish Sorrento. We will be emailing the Parish Newsletter to each family on Fridays so that the school community is aware of activities and upcoming dates. 


Enjoy your week,
