P.E and Sport

We have started skipping! 

A very big thank-you and congratulations to all the students who have signed up and are raising money for this incredible cause. It isn't too late to register! Please follow the link if you would like to add your child. Register your child online .

It has been wonderful to see so many students not only skipping throughout our Sport lessons but during recess and lunch. Many of them showing everyone their new and accomplished tricks. 


Commonwealth Games

Throughout our P.E lessons last week the students participated in our very own St. Joseph's Commonwealth games. They participated in an opening ceremony, singing the national anthem and competing in many athletic events in preparation for our athletics carnival next week. 

Athletics Day

Next week, on Thursday 18th August all students will be participating in our whole school Athletics Day. During the morning the students will be involved in rotational activities and in the afternoon we will watch and participate in the 100m sprints. I look forward to seeing everyone dressed in their house colours. Fingers crossed for a beautiful day.


Sporting Schools Grant

Again this term we have been lucky enough to be granted some Sporting Schools money. I am very excited to share that Hockey Vic will be coming out for 4 weeks to teach our 3-6 students hockey skills. I have also organised Peninsula Basketball to come and have a basketball skills session with our Prep- Yr 2 students. 


Swimming Teachers

I am still in need of parents who would like to help out during our school swimming sessions. If you are able to help, can you please come and see me. 


Cubby Houses

I was wondering if any families have a toy kitchen, mud kitchen, kids table or pots and pans that they don't require anymore. Maybe your children have outgrown it. I would love to set up a play restaurant outside for the students to play during recess and lunch. If you can help, please email me. Thankyou


Jacqui Hayes
