From the Principal's Desk

Today our school celebrated PRINCIPAL’S DAY and what a fabulous day it was!  


Principal’s Day is celebrated in many Victorian Schools and is seen as an opportunity to recognise the contribution principals and assistant principals make to school communities. 


Mrs Cottier (our Principal), Miss Jamar (our Assistant Principal on Springvale Campus) and Mrs Karup (who has been Acting Assistant Principal on Springvale Campus whilst Miss Jamar was overseas on holidays) were all presented with special poems, books, chocolates and cards; a wonderful PowerPoint presentation, glorious bunches of flowers and (most importantly) beautiful words of thanks from the students, staff and parents of Springvale Rise Primary School. Both campuses absolutely excelled themselves and the Principal Team genuinely walked away at the end of the school day feeling genuinely appreciated for the work that they do. 



But, just as importantly, our students have once again learnt the importance of verbalising their appreciation for the special people in their lives; offering thanks, demonstrating kindness and showing respect. 


With Thanks

It is also appropriate at this time to officially extend a great big heartfelt thank-you to Mrs Mirela Karup for being in the Acting Assistant Principal role for the last six weeks (while I was overseas at the end of Term 2 and while Miss Jamar was overeseas this term.) I am sure that all of Sprignvale Campus will agree she has done an amazing job. 



A reminder that Mrs Judy Ktenas and Mrs Michelle Gorman will be on long service leave for the reminder of Term 3 and will be replaced by Miss Danielle Pascuzzi (FA) and Ms Christie Hall (Leading Teacher / Sub-School Team Leaader) respectively. Keep smiling . . . . . 


Mrs Debbie Cottier
