Learning & Teaching

Semester 1 Reports Are Here
Thanks for your patience! Reports for Years 7 to 10 are available in two parts as follows:
Compass - Learning Behaviour Reports
Maestro - Victorian Curriculum Reports can now be accessed on Maestro. Please read the attached guides to assist you to log into the account and to help you interpret the very detailed information available on Maestro about your child/children.
VCE Reports for Years 11 & 12 are available on Compass. Detailed information about the compass reports can be found in the front cover of the report. Please read this carefully to fully understand all the elements of your child's reports.
Curriculum Information Night
Thank you to all who attended the 2023 Curriculum Information Evening on Tuesday evening. Thank you also to the staff who organised and attended the event.
We had great attendance with our families taking advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the depth and breadth of the curriculum offerings at the College. Next week, students can attend lunchtime Q&A sessions run by learning Area Leaders to find out more information about subjects and pathways. The schedule has been posted in Teams.
Mid-Year Academic Awards Ceremo
*NEW DATE: Mon 7 August*
Please note the date change for our Mid-Year Academic Awards evening which will be held in the College Theatre on Monday 7 August.
Invitations to awards recipients will be sent out shortly and we are very excited to announce that this year we will be including two new Award categories in addition to our traditional Academic Excellence Awards; Learning Growth Awards for students in Year 8 to 10, and NAPLAN Performance Awards for students in Year 7 and 9.
All awards recipients and their families are invited to an afternoon tea of light refreshments prior to the Awards Ceremony, in the Orchard in two sittings:
Sitting One - Years 7 & 8:
Refreshments 5pm to 5:30pm
Awards Ceremony 5:30pm to 6:10pm
Sitting Two - Years 9 to 11
Refreshments 5:45pm to 6:15pm
Awards Ceremony 6:15pm to 7pm
Modelling Respect and Equality (MoRE) Pilot Program
The College has partnered with The Dept of Education and Jesuit Services this year to receive MoRE training to support us to build and maintain a respectful College culture that fosters healthy masculinities and femininities.
In addition to the three professional development sessions for all teachers, our Respectful Relationships (RR) Leadership team (Rebecca Howell, James Mooney and myself) attended another two days of training this week.
WHY? Because supporting our young men towards healthy versions of masculinities has better outcomes for men and women. Research shows that men and boys with narrowly defined masculine behaviours (i.e. not expressing emotions, having to always be strong and in control) lead to poorer life outcomes, for example:
- 80% of school expulsions are boys.
- Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australian men aged 15-44.
- 75% of Suicides are men (on average, every four hours a male suicides).
- Men are less likely to report mental health concerns than women.
- Men are 3x more likely to be the offender of a crime (75%).
- 1% of reported family violence offenders are male.
- 95% of those who have used violence are men.
- 9 out of 10 prisoners are male (92%).
All the RR curriculum initiatives at the College aim to educate our students about healthy identities and respectful and consensual relationships. We do this through Health and PE classes, our Elevate Health program in Year 9 and 10, and additional workshops and incursions such as the Year 7 and 8 Consent Workshops which ran this week.
Natalie Manser
Assistant Principal