News from the Library

The Fish Creek Children's Festival of Stories is an annual event held in Fish Creek in South Gippsland where children’s authors and illustrators offer free workshops for the 2000+ people who attend.
As a prelude to this we run a Writing Challenge for students from Grade One to Year Eight. The word limit is 350 words and 20 submissions will be selected to be performed by professional story tellers at the festival on 18 & 19 November. All stories will be published in eBook form by Cambridge University Press.
See the flyer above for more information.
We hope that some of our students will get on board and wish them luck!
Dungeons and Dragons club
The Library is hosting a new Dungeons and Dragons club. The initial call out for interested students produced an amazing response, and the projected single group grew to four very quickly. Thanks to staff member Talea-Jane Simpson for initiating and running this.
June/July Artisan of the Month
The June/July AotM is closing this Sunday night, July 23rd. All details can be found on the Library Teams page – AotM channel. A quick overview: there are three categories - Student, Staff, and Family & Friends. Submissions can be emailed to:
If it is a Family & Friends submission, please mention which student or staff member you are connected to.
Don't forget to follow the College Instagram account for all the latest Art & Technology news: wantirnacollege_artsandtech
Resident Writers
The Term 3 Resident Writers is now open. As a rough guide works should be between 250 -350 words, shorter ok but not significantly longer. Send your entries to with the subject line Resident Writers entry. If it is a Family & Friends submission, please mention which student or staff member you are connected to.
Joanne Montgomery
Library Manager