The Science of Study

Tips to Help Students Prepare for Studying!
There is a lot of research and evidence that show the best techniques for study and also the best ways to prepare your study time and spaces. And the good news is, anyone can adopt these techniques and start studying towards success! This week we are featuring the final 3 steps!
Step 12: Eat Well
A nutritious diet is important for your energy levels. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and avoid lots of sweet and fatty food. Don’t forget to drink lots of water!
Superfoods for our brain and body include Blueberries, Avocados and Eggs, all of which are delicious, nutritious and convenient of for breakfast and/or snacks.
Step 13: Sleep
A good sleep routine is essential! If you have difficulty falling asleep, do something calm and relaxing before you go to bed like listening to music or reading. Don’t look at your phone / laptop. You should be aiming for at least 7-8hrs a night.
Scientists believe that sleep helps to form long-term memories by futher processing learning and experiences from during the day.
Step 14: Enjoy Your Life
It’s important to make time to have some fun and to get a balance in your life. So, prioritise accordingly and stay connected to friends and family
Download the attachment for all the steps and detailed recommendations to prepare your study space, get organised, manage your time and study effectively.
Have You Tried This?
- Distributed Practice and the Forgetting Curve?
- The Pomodoro Technique?
- Retrieval Practice?
In the attachment below you will find vital information about these effective study techniques. We encourage parents to encourage students to use these techniques to study effectively.
Students are always welcome to come and speak with us about ways they can improve their study practice.
David Black, Tim Pearson
& Darren Hoogkamer
Senior School Leaders