NT Tour 2023

Year 11

On Saturday 18 June, 108 students and 12 staff took off for a trip of a lifetime to the Northern Territory for 14 days. After the success of last year's tour, we were very excited to be heading back to the Northern Territory.


Some of the key highlights included visiting Uluru (with some students having the chance to walk around the entire rock); a spectacular hike with rewarding views at Kings Canyon; and a trip to the Royal Flying Doctor Service, where students (through the magic of the swear jar) donated over $1,000! A massive congratulations to students for their contribution to this great cause.


Swimming opportunities were a-plenty, we swam at Mataranka and Katherine Hot Springs, Edith Falls, Florence Falls and Berry Springs!


In between campsites we were rewarded with many student performances to keep the buses entertained, karaoke was a massive hit!


Students got to experience a side of Australia that most had never seen before and were able to interact with the local communities in Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin. They experienced the local flora and fauna and learned about the important history of Indigenous Australia. This year we added two cultural experiences to the tour at Karrke and Pudakul. We had the opportunity to interact with local Indigenous community members, with spear throwing and didgeridoo playing being amazing highlights. 



The NT tour is a once in a lifetime experience where we all made memories that can never be forgotten. Whilst we were there we got insight into a completely different culture and way of living right here on the land we call home. Through seeing Uluru and other significant landmarks, going on hikes and swimming in waterholes we were able to make deeper connections with the land, it’s history and our peers. We travelled through South Australia and the Northern Territory in buses and slept in tents for 2 weeks whilst doing unique activities everyday. A highlight of the trip for me was definitely the King’s Canyon hike where we walked and climbed for 4-5 hours straight and got to see so many of natures gifts and treasures. We all couldn’t be more grateful for the experience we were all able to share and everyone we met along the way who made the trip even more enjoyable. Thank you to all the teachers who took time out of there busy lives to come and share this adventure with us and big thanks to Burleigh who was the real backbone of this tour. The NT tour is something I’m sure we will all cherish for the rest of our lives and I hope future students who get this opportunity find it as enjoyable. - Chloe Roldan



This camp would simply not run without the support of its staff. I’d like to personally thank the following staff for attending the tour, and making it the best trip possible: 


Mr Lewis and Mr Mason for all of your assistance and advice before, during and after the trip to ensure it ran smoothly. 


Mr Mooney and Ms Ranellone for your hard work with First Aid and dealing with all of those blood noses! (What happens in NT, stays in NT.)


Ms Gu-Yang, Ms Mingos and Ms Piritidis for leading each of the buses and keeping the buses informed with all the important information. 


Mr Leithhead for ensuring the buses were packed and ready to go each time we left a campsite (special shout out to our bus packers as well!). 


Mr Chamberlain for looking after the duty groups every single meal! 


Ms Moran for joining the tour with such little notice, and for always helping around camp and during mealtimes.


And last, but certainly not least, our AFL trainee Gemma Van Grondelle. Unfortunately, COVID restrictions meant Gemma's year level could not go on the tour, so Gemma was lucky enough to experience it as a staff member!


We'll see you in the NT in 2024!


Matthew Burleigh 

NT Tour Coordinator