Career & Pathways News

Year 10 University & TAFE Tours
The Year 10’s that visited Swinburne and Deakin Universities were very excited to get out and experience some of the different opportunities for further education beyond Year 12. Everyone was enthusiastic about exploring the Universities and seeing all that they had to offer. There were lots of great questions, and many students described what their life could look like if they went to one of these Universities. The biggest hit of the day were the places to relax at Swinburne, in particular the E-gaming lounge. It was a fantastic day and each student should be really proud of how they represented themselves in the community.
A group a Year 10's visited Monash University and Deakin University. They were blown away with how Uni life is, the flexibility to choose classes and times and how many subject offerings there were. The tours highlighted to the students the varied programs available, how 'new age' some of the facilities are (for example, the nursing and sport science labs at Deakin Uni) and how old some of the building were at Monash Uni. There were many opportunities to ask questions of the staff and Uni student ambassadors, with many of these being very insightful. The students represented the College and themselves to a very high standard. A great day was had by all on this tour.
Other students explored Latrobe and Deakin University, touring the facilities, chatting with their tour guides and exploring study options.
Congratulations to all on their excellent behaviour and for representing the College positively.
Student Pathways
It was great to have so many students and families coming through our Pathways Hub at Curriculum Information Evening this week. We were fortunate to have special guests with Deakin, RMIT, Victoria & Swinburne Universities coming out to address any questions that students had. We also had Headstart with us, who will be helping to guide our SBAT (school-based apprenticeship) students next year.
The Pathways team are available to contact via Teams or email if students or parents have any further questions about subject selection and students are always welcome to pop in to see us in the Pathways Hub.
Tertiary Open Days
Over the next month, most institutions will be opening their doors for prospective students to come on site and see what they have to offer. We strongly encourage all Year 12 students to attend Open Days of any institutions they are interested in applying for, so that they can ensure they are finding a good fit for them. Year 10s and 11s are also encouraged to head along if there are any questions they have or if they would like to start their exploration early.
Attached is a document with an overview of Open Days, their dates and times. There is also some information about how to get the most out of Open Days.
Career News Bulletins
Please find attached the latest three editions of Careers News, with information for students of all year levels.
Items in the 21st July edition of Career News include -
- Dates to Diarise in Term 3
- Komatsu's Apprentice Program
- A New Pathway to Medicine at University of Southern Queensland
- Spotlight on Studying Medicine at the University of Queensland
- New Climate Change Major offered in various degrees at La Trobe University
- Certificate IV in Cyber Security at Box Hill Institute
- Accounting Degrees in Victoria in 2023
- Banking and Finance Degrees in Victoria in 2023
- Snapshot of Monash University in 2023
- Snapshot of Monash University – Peninsula Campus in 2023
Jessie Dennison
Timothy Knowles
Career Practitioners