Subject Selection Process

Over the past couple of week students across various Year Levels have been activity involved in the Subject Selection Process.
This is an important time for students as they consider their options for 2024 and their future pathways. Key information is available to parents/guardians via Compass and students can access information via Compass or Teams. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend the Subject Selection interviews on Wed 2 August.
Some of the key dates to consider over the next few weeks:
Year 8 into 9 students
Fri 28 July
Subject Selection Interviews
Year 9 into 10 students
Mon 24 July
Subject Selection Interview Bookings open on Compass
Wed 2 August
Subject Selection Interviews (no formal classes - parents/guardians welcome)
Year 10 into 11 students
Mon 24 July (8:45am)
VCE VM SBAT/SWL Applications due
Subject Selection Interview Bookings open on Compass
Wed 2 August
Subject Selection Interviews (no formal classes - parents/guardians welcome)
Year 11 into 12 students
Mon 31 July (8:45am)
VCE VM Applications due
Wed 2 & Wed 9 August
Students to complete Subject Selection in Explore classes
Darren Hooghamer
Leader of Senior School
Transitions & Pathways