A message from the Principal

Celebrating our values

When we launched our new School Strategic Plan at the start of 2022, we updated our school values. During this process, we worked with students, families and staff to identify what our school stands for and what we want our children to demonstrate and value.


The four chosen values were Creativity, Kindness, Curiosity and Resilience.


As a school we are very keen that these values are alive in our classrooms and play spaces and that our students get the chance to discuss, reflect and demonstrate them constantly.


One way of doing this is to regularly update the display boards in the quadrangle. Each term a team in the school (Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6) take on one of the values, discusses the ways they can show that value and then builds a display to celebrate and share this learning.


This term's displays are now up so, if you haven’t done so yet, please head to the quadrangle where the display boards are kept. Here you will see some amazing displays of our learning and how we demonstrate our values at SKiPPS.  


Neil Scott
