Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Focus of the Week:

Week 7 - We Speak Respectfully To Each Other: Last week our Focus was on how we speak to each other and the language we use on the playground, in the classroom and generally.  Each of us deserves to be respected and the way we speak to each other shows this respect . Using coarse or inappropriate language is not respectful and not acceptable. Using language that puts others down,  makes fun of them or is vulgar is also disrespectful. We always need to be mindful when we speak to others of the language we use and how it may affect that person.

Week 8 - We Play Respectfully, Responsibly  and Safely at School.  Following on from last week and speaking respectfully to each other, this week we have been focusing on the way we treat each other at school.  This means in the playground, in the corridors and in the classrooms.  When we share places and equipment, sometimes people disagree about how to share. This week we have been looking at how we can interact with others so that everyone feels safe and respected.  At home, it would be wonderful if you could please take the opportunity to discuss these topics with your children and reinforce the importance of showing respect to all.


Fathers' Day Breakfast!  Thank you to everyone who made such an amazing effort to come along to our Fathers' Day breakfast last Friday!  It was so great to see so many families, and especially so many Dads and father-figures able to join us for breakfast!  It was just like the old days before Covid, when we were able to really enjoy the company of families back at McAuley.  I hope all father figures had a wonderful day last Sunday and were rewarded for all their hard work throughout the year. 


Unexplained Absences:  It is a Government requirement that all eligible students attend school each day, or have a satisfactory excuse when not present at school. Therefore, if your child is not at school, you must notify the school of the reason for their absence.  If they are sick, on holiday or at appointment, please record this on Compass.  If you do not feel confident to record on Compass, then please ring the school or send in a note upon the child's return explaining their absence.  For students with a high level of absenteeism, I will be contacting parents to arrange a meeting.  Catherine McAuley has to answer to the CEBD who in turn have accountability to the Government.  Please be aware that for every 5 days your child is absent, they have missed out on one full week of schooling and all this entails. As we only have 40 weeks for the entire year, it doesn’t take long for these days to start to have a significant impact on learning. 


Excursions!!  Recently our students have been involved in a lot of interschool activities, and we have been vey proud of how well they have represented McAuley!  Last Tuesday our Senior Girls Netball team competed in the 'Schools' Cup Netbll Competition' against a number of different sides from all over the central west.  They played very well and their sportsmanship showed through.  Congratulations to Miss Van Kemenade and our team on all the work they put into preparing and competing in this competition.  Last week aslo saw our Year 4 students compete in an Orange School Touch Football competition.  All had a wonderful time and were great ambassadors for McAuley as well.  Thank you to our Year 4 teachers for taking these students to this competition.  Today members of the Kinross Debating team are visiting McAuley for the second round of our Year 5 Debating Competion.  We look forward to robust arguments and a strong presentation on both sides! Thank you to Mrs Belmonte for preparing our team and coordinating with Kinross to hold this competition.


Lost Property: Please ask children to check to see if any of the mounting lost property we have belongs to them.  There is currently a mound of coats, jackets, tracksuit tops and bottoms, jumpers and other uniform items which do not have names on them, but must belong to someone. Currently our Mini Vinnies students are selling labels to place on items as a fundraiser.  This would be a great way to both support our Mini Vinnies efforts and purchase labels to put on all items sent to school. Uniforms, lunchboxes and drink bottles are costly and we would love to return these items to their owners as soon as possible. Labelled items make it so much easier for everyone!


Please Don’t forget to wear your Coat!! Even though Spring has begun, we all know that Orange is famous for four seasons in one day!  Please continue to send a coat with your children each day, and please make sure that all coats and other items have been labelled in case they are lost.


Have a wonderful week!

Robyn Petty