The Adventures of Frankie and Ash 

School Support Dogs 

Greetings,  humans and furry friends! 


Oh, the park! That's our favorite place to be! Yesterday, Ash and I couldn't contain our excitement when we saw the park from the car.   There might have been a bit of excited dribble on Mum's car windows.  

Once we reached the park, the real fun began! I have this habit of turning every ball-fetching session into a race. Ash tried her best to keep up with me but I'm much fitter than she is (Mum and Dad say she is a little short for her weight)  so I'm the reigning ball-chasing champion! Ash is a bit stoopid too and sometimes gets distracted chasing her tail so I get a head start on the ball.  I chased the ball so much that, at one point, I had to take a pawsome "lie down" to catch my breath.


Now, I must confess something, and you can't tell the office staff, okay? So, there was this one day when I couldn't resist the smell of a freshly-made sandwich in Kirsty's bag.  I mean, it was just calling my name! Ash stood guard of course although Ash pretended to be innocent (classic Ash move).

I made my move and stealthily snatched a sandwich right from under the humans' noses. I wasn't sorry at all! It was just too delicious to resist. I even managed to score some extra belly rubs when they discovered the "culprit." The price I pay for a good sandwich is worth it, believe me!


An update on our feline sister Maggie -  she's a tiny bundle of sass and curiosity. She enjoys pouncing on our tails and jumping on us when we're sleeping.   She thinks she's the queen of the house, and we're all her loyal subjects.   But Mum and Dad say that about Ash and me too!  So I guess we have the household pecking order all sorted out.


Last week Dad was away on Business and Mum and us watched "Dogs Behaving Very Badly", our favourite show.  I  have to say that Ash and me are Very Good Girls compared to some of the doggos on that show.  


That is all.

Frankie & Ash 

Watching our favourite show "Dogs Behaving Badly"
Butter wouldn't melt ....
Absolutely pooped after the park
Watching our favourite show "Dogs Behaving Badly"
Butter wouldn't melt ....
Absolutely pooped after the park