Junior Secondary 

News from Years 7 - 9

Cubing Club - A new Lunchtime Club

Mia (Year 10) is leading the group for lots of cubing fun!


Last week Mia and Lucas organised a challenge/competition day.

The Snow Glove Challenge - this is where you are wearing snow gloves and solving your cube and the Mini Cube Challenge where you solved the Mini Cube in the fastest time. These challenges were not against club members but about beating your own time.

Some Cubing Club Quotes:


Lucas – “Very fun and lots of challenges.”  “I have learnt lots of new tips and tricks.”  

Dean – “Best club I have ever seen!”

Mia – “Love seeing how many people love cubing.”

Josh – “Always great fun and can try new cubes”.

Beth Smith – “When is cube not a cube? When it is a pyramid, sphere, apple, banana and many more...”  “ A great challenge and lots of fun for all ages”.


May Cho

Secondary Science Teacher & Learning Support Teacher Year 9 & 10