Years 2 and 4

On Monday  the Year 2/4 enjoyed some teaching time with Mrs Bell while Miss P took Yr 5/6 to Hooptime Basketball. Classes were back to normal on Tuesday.

This week, in maths we completed a unit on Fractions. The whole class had a wonderful time 'cooking' up pizzas with an array of toppings which they then  had to determine what fraction of the pizza had pepperoni, pineapple, mushrooms etc. The Year 4 children then had to find equivalent fractions for their answers. Children have also been learning to round off and estimate answers in order to help determine if solutions are reasonable.

In English, we have  been learning about interesting ways to start a narrative. Use of adverbs, adjectives and similes has been encouraged and all students have begun writing their own exciting narrative. We are hoping you will get to read many of them at the Cavendish Fleece and Flower Show. 


Pizza Fractions
Pizza Fractions
Rounding off game
Rounding off game