Year 10 2024 Scholarships Academic, Leadership, Sport and Community


Dear Year, 9 students and parents, I proudly offer the following scholarship opportunity to our current Year 9 students. At Lalor Secondary College we, as a community, live the College values of Pride, Achievement, Caring, Cooperation and Honesty. Ultimately, we aim to instil these values into our students during their time at the College, so that they become lifelong, socially responsible learners. Students who display these values and qualities are hardworking and strive to achieve to the best of their ability. These students’ achievements are celebrated in a number of different ways, so that ultimately, they understand that they are valued members of the College community.

Lalor Secondary College offers scholarships in the following areas: Sport, Community, Academic and Leadership. Students who are successful in their application will need to demonstrate that they have excelled in their area of application, have the potential to display the College values at all times and have shown through their application their ability to challenge themselves and strive for excellence. Scholarships with be awarded as follows: Leadership – One Scholarship Community – One Scholarship Sport – Two Scholarships Academics – Four Scholarships The scholarships come in the form of financial support from Year 10 to Year 12, with a $200.00 contribution in Years 10 and 11 and $300.00 in Year 12.  Information about the criteria for each of the scholarships is detailed below. If you and your child feel that they have made significant contributions to any of the scholarship areas while at their primary school or as part of a community group, Lalor Secondary College welcomes the application and looks forward to the possibility of your child being recognised as a potentially active College member and a significant contributor to all areas of the curriculum. Applications should be handed in to the General Office at Lalor Secondary College in a display folder no later than: Friday 15th of September 2023 addressed to Julie Ryan. Applications must include:

  1. Application cover sheet (including clearly identifiable name and home group)
  2. Written letter by the student explaining why they should be considered for one (or more) of the scholarships.
  3. Written letter of reference from either a current teacher or year level student manager
  4. Copies of any Certificates or evidence of contributions.

Students will be shortlisted based on their applications and will receive a time for an interview to further support their applications. The final selections will be made based on applications and interviews. All applications will receive notification of the outcome of the application. We look forward to receiving and reading all of the applications. 


Community Scholarships Community Scholarships are available to current students who have demonstrated an outstanding work ethic at primary level, have been supportive of fellow students and have fully participated in the life of their school.


 Academic Excellence Scholarships. Academic Scholarships are available to those students with an exemplary academic record who have demonstrated outstanding application, aptitude and achievement in Mathematics and English – together with a strong performance in general studies.


 Leadership Scholarships.  Leadership Scholarships are available to students with a solid academic record who have demonstrated leadership and potential in a variety of settings that include participation in school and community activities.


 Sport Scholarships. Sport Scholarships are available to students who have demonstrated sporting aptitude and endeavour and a strong interest in developing their sporting skills.  Personal qualities of fair play and leadership are important together with sound academic abilities.


 If you require further details please contact Ms Lilikakis, Ms Campbell or Mr Murcott.