Assistant Principal

Laura Forster

As always, mid-point term three is a timely reminder to talk with your child about their progress and reach out to the senior team and class teachers should you require additional information about your child’s progress. A reminder that teacher feedback is always available for your viewing on Compass under Learning Tasks tab, this provides a reliable indication of progress towards your child’s achievement to date. The partnership between school and home is a crucial one in ensuring that our students feel supported in their learning journeys and that we together nurture them to maximise their learning opportunities and open up possibilities for post schooling options.


At the end of this term, your child will receive their Progress Reports detailing their work habits in their subjects for semester three. Again, this is a great starting point for a conversation about their application towards as well as enjoyment of studies in the various subjects.  For senior students this is a final check point as to their measure of approaching success leading towards final assessments and exams for those in year 12. 

A reminder that Krystal Bussell our Careers and Pathways coordinator is available to parents who would like to discuss options for their child regarding tertiary studies or trade options beyond LSC. 


It is never too early to start planning for future employment or study goals with your child. Please don’t hesitate to make appointments through the general office. A reminder to students that VTAC applications are due in the coming weeks, so please contact Ms. Bussell if you haven’t made your appoints yet.

Shortly, year 12 students will begin to receive information about the end of year  formal and graduation. These events will surely be something special to look forward to after a busy final year of study.


Laura Forster.