School Council Update

Hi Parents and Carers,


School Council met last night for our July meeting. Please find below a short update.


Team Kids

We invited Team Kids to meet with Council to provide an update on a number of elements since they have been partnering with CNPS on out of school hours care (OSHC). We are pleased with the positive start that Team Kids have had and their openness to feedback. In addition to regular operational connections between TK and School Leadership, TK will be invited to attend School Council on a quarterly basis.


One ask from TK to our community: If your child attends Out of Hours School Care, it is really important to please let Gero know (0422 296 604): 

  1. If your child(ren) is not attending on a day when they normally would as soon as possible;
  2. If you are signing out your child(ren) for the day
  3. Any other adults who may need to sign out your child(ren), for example, music teacher, netball club. These people must be added as nominated people to collect your child(ren)

Allocation of Fete 2023 profit

School Council sought guidance from the Fundraising sub-committee and other interested parents, and have voted to spend some of this year’s fete profit to contribute to:

  1. Camps, Year 1/2 dinner and sleepover, Foundation breakfast ($12,000) to cover additional staffing requirements. This ensures that all children who would like to attend these important activities will be able to.
  2.  Operational costs to support deficit (which for CNPS is staffing to support lower class numbers and our high quality teachers) ($10,800).

The remaining profit will be allocated in the coming weeks, once a further round of consultation on defined ideas.


150th birthday celebration

On 30 October the school will host an incursion celebration, including a longer assembly, smoking ceremony, morning tea and school tours. Current and past families will be invited, along with politicians and education department representatives. Each class will be asked to choose a decade, and dress up and create a classroom representing that decade. Media may be invited too.


Buildings and grounds 

We discussed a number of B&G items, including:

  1. Ways to support the school to reduce the increased rubbish in the grounds.
  2. Following an Occupational Health and Safety check that Rachel and Jacqui conducted and the items that identified a range of grounds items that need addressing (e.g. astro turf damage).
  3. The need for a working bee at the school. More information to follow on when this will be held.

If any school community members have a particular interest or skill set in this area please reach out to Ben.


2022 Art Show - Mural 

Thanks to Alice Knowles who is project managing the development of a mural that will be paid for using the profits from Art Show 2022. The performing arts building has been selected as the preferred location, with the mural being painted right up to the gable. This is the building wall on the O’Grady Street side of the school, close to the shipping container. Melanie Caple will paint the mural (see the side of the Clay building on Rathdowne St for an example of Melanie’s work).


What a wonderful NAIDOC celebration

Thank you to everyone who helped plan last Friday’s impactful NAIDOC celebration. We have received lots of feedback about how much fun everyone had, and how much we learned about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culture. Thank you again to the RAP group, all the staff, the army of parent/carer helpers, and to the children. Staff and the RAP group have already met to share feedback from this year’s NAIDOC celebration with a view to make plans for 2024.


Wellbeing and inclusion

There are many initiatives underway by this newly formed sub-committee – to ensure everyone in our community can be celebrated and included. This includes a new version of our Inclusion Checklist which this group is revising with staff, leadership and parents/carers. If you are keen to have some input, please let Kylie know.


As always, please do reach out to us or anyone on Council if you have any questions, feedback or other suggestions.


Thanks and stay warm!


Bec and Kylie