Therapist News

On Thursday August the 3rd, SLC6 were lucky enough to be involved in an excursion at The Arts Centre Melbourne's learning and participation venue, The Channel. Our day began at around 10am with an eventful bus trip. We all got ourselves ready to get on the bus, with Erica getting on as quick as possible to show us her usual bus seat. Mary was last on the bus, making sure she was able to get the cool spot at the back of the bus. As we were all cheering for the bus to leave and head into the city, we were hit with a metaphorical roadblock. Our bus wouldn’t start! After a big clunk and bang, we let out a big UH OH and our bus driver for the day had to call for back up! As the next bus was on their way, we were able to create a little Belmore miracle and bring the bus back to life. We were on the road, just a little bit late but filled with relief and excitement. 


On our drive to the city, we ventured through the suburbs around the school before getting on the freeway. Ryan and Aadi were surprised by how bumpy the road was, with Aadi very sure that his bus was better than the bus we were on and would definitely be less bumpy. We saw many different points of interest on our drive, including the MCG and surrounding sporting precinct, FIFA Womens World Cup signage and stadium, the very tall buildings in the city, the pretty gardens around the city, and we even got a chance to see the Richmond and Collingwood male football teams doing some training at their respective training grounds. We discussed how tall we thought the tallest buildings in the city were, with each student giving guesses in 10m increments until we got to 100m. I think we were all a bit surprised that the tallest buildings were about 300m tall!


Our bus arrived in front of the NGV and we made our way to The Channel, which is on the Yarra River side of The Arts Centre. Our students thought the LED Australia Birds Artworks in front of NGV were fantastic, they remarked that we should have our own version back at school! Melbourne hip-hop artist Mantra greeted us at the door of The Channel and we made our way inside. In our session we learnt about the magic number of 4 in hip-hop music and how to write and rap our own ideas. Mantra showed us a freestyle rap, where he improvised a rap in the moment about SLC6, Belmore and the things we like doing. We wrote a theme for our SLC6 classroom in our session. Our session ended with a light and sound show, provided by us! We all got up on stage or hung out in front of the stage, rapping our verse into the microphone, playing instruments and controlling the lighting controls. Erica/Eli was a stand out on the mic all session, taking vocal solos and freestyles at every opportunity. Ryan/Ry was a superstar on the lighting rig. Mary/Mezza made the stage her own, rapping and playing percussion. Aadi the computer man/The Bunnings man gave Mantra so many ideas, hyped up the crowd with his vocals and smashed his verse. 


Well done to Mezza, Ry, Eli and Aadi the computer man/The Bunnings man for their great work on the excursion!



This is our re-mix

We are Belmore School

Cooler than a swimming pool